Showing 19–35 of 35 results


Secondo gli esperti, l’immortale pizza avrebbe già tremila anni, e sarebbe nata in Italia. Il termine “pizza” verrebbe dal latino medievale “picca”, una focaccia di acqua e farina. In questo libro troverete 100 ricette, suggerite dai migliori pizzaioli italiani e disposte secondo una guida ragionata in otto sezioni… Buon appetito. Franco Salernolaureato in lettere classiche [...]


Per rendere più ricca e sfiziosa la vostra cucina con gli ingredienti più naturali e un tocco di fantasia Le verdure sono un’autentica miniera di elementi preziosi per l’organismo e una presenza assolutamente indispensabile nella nostra alimentazione quotidiana. Ricche di fibre, vitamine, sali minerali e proteine vegetali, assolvono molteplici funzioni benefiche: disintossicano, contrastano l’invecchiamento delle [...]


Highly Commended by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Surgery! The Unfavorable Result in Plastic Surgery has been lauded as a classic text in plastic surgery, described by reviewers as “an unforgettable masterpiece,” “an invaluable companion text,” and “a vast resource.” Mimis Cohen co-authored the widely acclaimed third edition with the late Robert Goldwyn. Along [...]


From the author of bestseller, The Fat Burn Revolution (Bloomsbury), Ignite is a program of 30-minute workouts tried, test and proven to get your body leaner, stronger, faster and energized after just four weeks. Every exercise in Ignite has been specially selected to throw rocket fuel on your body’s fat burning engines, build explosive fitness [...]


If customers LIKE your brand, be afraid. Be very afraid In a world where the average customer grows up seeing 170,000 marketing messages by her 17th birthday; where 86% of people admit to sharing social media content in the bathroom; where less than 1% of young people trust advertising; customers only talk about the brands [...]


Delicious, decadent doughnuts are unfailingly popular. Whether they are oozing jam, topped with fudge chunks or simply glazed with sugar, they cannot fail to tempt. In Doughnuts, baking wizard Hannah Miles has created a selection of irresistible doughnuts to satisfy the sweetest of tooths. Heavenly Fun-filled Treats are bursting with scrumptuous fillings; if you love [...]


The best time to start content marketing was five years ago, the second best time is now. It’s now the time to get ahead of the competition and make content marketing truly work for your business. Content Marketing Works: 8 Steps to Transform Your Business is a brand new book from Arnie and Brad Kuenn [...]


This book will teach you how to effectively promote your app, get downloads, make money from your app, and help you achieve your goals and dreams for your app. I am an independent mobile app entrepreneur just like you, and I wrote this book to teach you all my strategies for how to: – Get [...]


This is a short, but very powerful book in which you will learn the Twitter marketing strategies that professionals and marketing agencies use to: – Automate your Twitter account and Twitter marketing– Increase engagement by hundreds of percent – Sell from Twitter– Grow Twitter followers– Get more retweets – Drive traffic from Twitter to your [...]


Cold email is how I started my business. I originally used it to get interviews to gain knowledge on a particular market, then to get feedback on what I was building and finally to get demo calls to gain new customers as well as expand my network as a founder. It’s what made my business [...]


FULLY UPDATED, REVISED AND GREATLY EXPANDED FOR 2016, Easy Belize How to Live, Retire, Work and Buy Property in Belize, the English Speaking, Frost Free Paradise on the Caribbean Coast (second edition) by Lan Sluder is the complete guide for anyone considering relocating or retiring to Belize, and for anyone thinking of buying property or [...]


The first in a series of guides leading the visitor to the hidden treasures of Rome. In these pages you will be led to the art of the great masters in churches and palaces that you are not likely to discover on your first, second, even third visit to the Eternal City. Sculptures, frescoes, and [...]


The Duke’s Shadow


ONE MAN,William Kenilworth, a young Victorian aristocrat, was never born to be the Duke of Romsey. When his older brother, Henry dies in a freak racing accident, William inherits a legacy and title he has not been groomed for nor wants. TWO LIVES…Bullied by his domineering mother and rejected by love, William falls into a [...]


Gypsies, Nomads and BackPackers Beginners Guide to Free Camping. Queensland Australia. (On The Great barrier Reef.)Including one Budget Accommodation. Volume one. Covering Some of Queensland. Australia. (Sometimes called Stralia.)While covering some of many . Free camping sites. On the home of the Great Barrier Reef. This volume will cover, where to free camp.How to free [...]


“How to Attract Massive Traffic to Your Online or Offline Business With The Latest Techniques on Instagram Marketing in As Little As 37 Minutes” This new course will provide you with a step-by-step guidance from a keyword research, create your Instagram account, personalized your page, utilize marketing tools, posting, get followers, and all the way [...]


Solo una minima parte (15%) delle persone che ti contattano in merito al tuo prodotto acquisterà entro 3 mesi mentre più del doppio (35%) lo farà nel prossimo anno e mezzo. Secondo Demand Matric, promuovere contenuti di valore genera 3 volte più Lead del marketing tradizionale ma richiede un investimento inferiore del 62%. E visto [...]


Un’attività di marketing digitale efficace non è costituita da una zuppa di tecniche buttate insieme in una padella ma un raffinato pasto che segue una specifica ricetta. In questo eBook Filippo Toso descrive un framework in 7 passi ideato per avviare, ottimizzare e far crescere un business attraverso specifiche azioni di marketing digitale. Si tratta [...]

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