Showing 37–54 of 70 results


Just Released: Also by this author: THE DIET HACK: Why 95% of Diets Fail and How You Can Succeed! The potato hack was modeled after an 1849 diet plan for people that were becoming fat and “dyspeptic” from living too luxuriously. This potato diet simply called for one to eat nothing but potatoes for a [...]


Eat. Lift. Thrive.



Triathlon Anatomy




Have you noticed-the greater a man’s skill, the more he achieves with less? And the skill of strength is no exception. From the ancient days of Greek wrestling, to the jealously guarded secrets of Chinese Kung Fu masters, to the hard men of modern spec ops, warriors and allied strongmen have developed an amazing array [...]


Strength Training for Fat Loss





Master the psychological “playbook” top performers use to shift their negative thinking and behaviors into peak performance and lasting success. Have you ever gotten into your car after a long day at work, and even though you promised yourself you’d hit the gym, you head straight home for the couch instead? Have you ever been [...]