Showing 1–18 of 237 results


El libro ideal que presenta una selección de 72 recetas fáciles y prácticas para preparar de la Cocina Española, con ingredientes combinados, que puedes incluir en tu menú diario o en una ocasión festiva. El recetario incluye las opciones más variadas, clásicas y gourmet, para degustar preparados españoles como paellas, cazuelas, cocidos, potajes, guisados, tortillas, [...]


Squeeze pages are an essential tool of modern online marketing. However, many newcomers to online marketing are unaware of just how powerful they can be in helping gain subscribers and sales. And often, even if a site has one or more squeeze pages, they might not be converting well, leaving them struggling to earn enough [...]


Italian Wines 2019


Now in its 22th edition, Italian Wines 2019 is the English-language version of Gambero Rosso’s Vini d’Italia 2019. More complete than ever, the guide reviews 2,530 wineries and a total of 22,100 wines, awarding the classic scores ranging from 0 to 3 Glasses according to the quality of the label. 447 wines received our experts’ [...]


Le newsletter sono un potente strumento di marketing utile sia per consolidare relazioni con utenti e clienti sia per rafforzare attività di vendita e strategie di business. Tuttavia, se inviare messaggi di posta elettronica è alla portata di chiunque, gestire professionalmente una campagna email senza impigliarsi in filtri antispam o generare rovinose catene di Sant’Antonio [...]

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